Tronco Electric designs, manufactures and supplies OHL hardware and accessories for power transmission and distribution lines with over 20 years experrience.

Important factors to make the design of tension and suspension insulator string:

  • Electrical factor. Line voltage and maximum short circuit intensity supported by the string 
  • Mechanical factor. Mechanical strength requested by client, min. working temperature and the corrosive level of environment.

Tronco Electric comply with the standard of IEC61284, BS729, BS3288, ISO1461, IEC60120.

11kV-500kV insulator strings. All the components of insulators strings can be found in the catalogs. Tronco Electric can also make the design according to client's reuirements.
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Tension and suspension insulator string components
Anchor shackle, ball eye, socket eye, tension clamp, suspension clamp, armor rod, yoke plate.
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The tension, suspension and jumper strings are used for OHL transmission lines with porcelain insulators, glass insulators or composite insulators.
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